Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Her Precious Time:

It's a week into December already, where does the time go!

When I came up to December in 2009, that marked the end of my three month 'trial' in London, before heading back to Toronto for the holidays. I already knew I wanted to come back and keep on living here though. I can't imagine why, looking back on it, as it was a stressful and uncertain time in many aspects. I missed my friends and family and my artsy life in Toronto. I had way too much time between jobs and internships. All the stress was killing my inspiration too, and I didn't have a proper piano to play on (which is one of my two addictions, the other being the terrific accompaniment of brandy). Really, my boyfriend was the main thing keeping me sane. And boys usually just drive me crazy. But something inside wouldn't allow me to throw in the towel, tempting as it was, not just yet...

Looking back on the last year, I have to say I'm glad I didn't. Ups and downs still happen, but more importantly, time happens. Whether it's rushing you through the tough times as fast as it can, but without compromising learning something, or standing still for a euphoric moment while watching a play or listening to a song... Time is there to fix us and remind us that it's going, going, gone. So you better make the most of it while you can. But don't feel guilty if sometimes you just want it to get a move on. I'm looking at you, Monday.

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